HAPPINESS can be a silent killer.

quotable quotes i quote! :))
"To have a life and to live that life"
"They have a Life but I have REAL LIFE"

Q: How can we live our life?

Have you ever been told to be Happy, to live your life to the fullest, to do things that you are happy with, To be with the persons that you love and to fight for what you feel, or make something for life, or give it its meaning. These are just some of it. But were tired of hearing this things... we can hardly understand it... or we'll ask in what way or how. That will be the first question.

The main gist of these statements is just BEING HAPPY,... what they mean is that if you are happy with it then go. But to tell you Life is not always with happiness. A person can be happy without thinking of the others and without considering other factors.
Ones happiness maybe other peoples grief.
Ones happiness maybe ones own destruction.
Ones Happiness maybe irrational or unproductive.
Ones Happiness maybe a reason of mediocrity of cowardice.

Being Happy is not just being Happy itself. but being rational with why your happy.
Some people can be Happy with other peoples bad fate or being happy irregardless with its effects on others. But the most addicting and most dangerous Happiness is when it can lead to owns destruction. Some objects of Happiness can be ones own killer. Murderous and fond of treachery. Some best examples of these are Substance Abuse and some sick relationships. Substance abuse, its very much compelling. Abusers says that, its only the way that they can be happy or be euphoric. yes, it may give them euphoria or extreme happiness but they are not thinking, those drugs are their own killers. It gives them temporary happiness and takes something in return.Its treason. Its irrational. It may take away the things and the people that you love. Its like a devil. It promises you things that you like most "Happiness" and kills you after.Though physically, emotionally, intellectually or morally.

Another is that, for damaging relationships. Being with someone that we like and love gives us joy. We say that we feel incomplete without them. We love being hugged, kissed or being escorted. Touch? its the universal language of affection. We love being touched. But why is that some are clinging to damaging relationships?
because they are afraid to loose them. why? coz they think that they can never be happy in their absence. But that isnt true. We will soon discover our own happiness and the first step will always be the hardest part. We only need to be brave to face it and the next will be too easy.

Happiness that are irrational and unproductive. We can be Happy by absolutely doing nothing. We can be happy by splurging money, by being a couch potato, by sleeping anytime of the day, by drinking,talking nonsense with others. We can be happy... but everything should have their limitation. Being Happy that leads to being unproductive is very irrational. Else, the life would be useless. Make something in life. Be productive. Make a good hobby or start a community or club. Utilize your godgiven skills and by that you can make way to success and happiness in life.

People can never be contented. Its hard to pretend that you are contended with what you have. We may ask for more or even ask for less. We strive for something. We always have been. We strive for good food, family, success of everyone, clothing, personality and character. We kept on trying and sometimes we kept on failing. But sometimes failure disappoints us and so we stopped from trying.
but think of this amazing people:
If HOWARD SCHULTZ gave up after being turned down by bank 242x their would be no STARBUCKS.

If WALT DISNEY quit soon after his theme park concept was trashed 302x, their would be no DISNEYLAND.

If THOMAS EDISON after 999x failure threw his hands and gave up their would be no electricity.

If JK ROWLING stopped after being turned down by multiple publishers for 2 years their would be no HARRY POTTER.

If you give up soon. You will never know what you will be missing in life.

Sometimes, for the feeling of success. Happiness will not always the description. Sometimes failure is. We shouldn't always seek for happiness and and shouldn't always avoid or be afraid of failure. Sometimes grief, despair and disappointment can be a gateway for the happiness that we are searching for.

Temporary Happiness is destructive and murderous.
Think of it as the most vicious criminal. It should always be guarded or else we can be blinded and numb by its effects.
We should always seek and look forward for Permanent Happiness.
Happiness that is real and can be shared.
Live a life that can be shared.
blessings that can be shared.
Success that can be shared.
Its the true fulfillment of life's legacy.


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