Inlove ~MINUS~ Standards

"Que sera sera..whatever will be,will be..the futures not ours to see..Que sera sera.." This song has been going on my mind since first grade. At that time My idea of my Prince Charming is someone Tall, fair and handsome, intelligent,smart, educated, mannered and rich. Those are the idea of a little princess dreaming of his prince.

When I reached college, I was still thinking of that crazy criteria. They sounds crazy but its something that u can be proud of. I have read a lot of relationships books. I treasured, "I kissed dating goodbye" by Joshua Harris. He said "Hold on to your criteria and never level them down, you deserve to have high standards for your own". That line has been stamped on my brain and heart. I say it, I have been heartless at times, to a suitor ho don't have those criteria. I would ask "Where did u get your degree? or do you have a car?" I would of course give details on the way someone talks, dress,jokes and measures how smart he is. I was cruel but Im always thinking "I deserve to have the best,I wont be dumb enough to lower it down".

Time passed,I finished my degree in one of the most expensive University in the country and was single for almost 4 years of my college life. I focused more on my studies, on packaging myself, learning about love on great books and always thinking of how to be the best girlfriend. Without a year that pass, I met this person by chance or by coincidence. The first time I laid my eyes on him I felt something weird inside. I felt that I already met him before. I kept on thinking day and night of where have I met him in the past. He kept playing on my mind. He kept on sending me beautiful quotes, godly quotes and even corny jokes. I met him in a new group that at first I found interesting. Of all the members, being with him is more comfortable. We became closer to each other and there was one thing Im afraid of I was getting in love those times. Worst, I'm forgetting what Joshua Harris said. I didnt dare to know his background. It only took days or just a week, before we totally became official. I was inlove with him and I felt happy though inside of me shouts, 'this is absurdity". But I can do nothing about it. I'm totally hypnotized.I cant move. All I know is that I founf him, My happiness.
I was caught between Happiness and absurdity. Being dumbed or being just inlove. being careless of my actions and being carefree of the future.I totally forgot everything I was dreaming about. Its a time of change. A change which can fit him in. I cant see my standards. They're lost caught by amnesia.
He is not intelligent. He doesnt even know how to spell the word "force or load"
Hes not well oriented on computers.Im teaching him.
He find it hard to understand and speak english. Im reading and explaining things for him.
He isnt tall. Im taller than him.
He is thin. Im bigger than him.
He is childish. Im telling him what to do on almost all ways.
He is not rich. but is striving hard to support oneself.
He doesnt have a car.
He sometimes yells at me.
He has addiction on something.
He has friends I hate that I call TOXINs.
He's a big hell wasnt on my standards at all.
He wasnt my dreamprince.

But we are both deeply inlove. I am his life and so does he.
His love is something I cant find or I cant define.
He is trying hard to the best that he could.
His LOVE, is something I cant comprehend.
Its profound. Its real. Its faithful.
BUt he is my everything. He is my happiness.
We are truly inseperable.
Each of us is a half of our whole.
and we define perfect happiness together.

Guess I shouldnt have set my standards that high,
but I wasnt hurt or disappointed right now,
"Que sera sera, whatever will be will be.. the futures not ours to see.... que sera sera.."


  1. you're really amaze me ga..gling mo mgsulat!!


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